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Porting Your Number

When signing up for Sea Ranch Connect Telephone, you have the option to select a new telephone number or use an existing telephone number(s). This is a more in depth look at the ordering process for selecting existing telephone number(s). Sea Ranch Connect makes it easy to understand the simple process of porting.

What is porting? The process of switching telephone service providers, remaining in the same geographic area, and keeping your existing telephone number. Essentially it’s moving your existing telephone number from your current carrier to another.

Ordering Information

Important to know:

  • Costs $25 per number
  • Process can take 3-4 weeks to complete, once internet service is activated.
  • Requires information from existing carrier(s), below you can see the details that you’ll need to have on hand in order to complete this process.

It is very important not to cancel, or close, your existing telephone service until your Sea Ranch Connect telephone service is activated, all the phone number ports are completed (if applicable), and you are satisfied with the service.

Information Needed for Porting an Existing Telephone Number

Current Service Address Information Needed
First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
City State Zip Code
Phone Number(s) Being Ported
Current Carrier Information Needed
Provider Name
Account Number
Primary Phone Number on Account
Last Statement Date
Current Charges
Last Payment
Last Payment Date
Provider Address 1
Provider Address 2
Provider City Provider State Provider Zip Code

Activation, once your Sea Ranch Connect Internet service is activated porting will begin. Porting Number(s) from an existing service carriers can take several weeks depending on the carrier. You will receive email(s) from Provisioning as the transfer is processed. Once Provisioning receives a date when we can take over as carrier we will inform you of the expected date of the switch.

It is very important not to cancel, or close, your existing telephone service until your Sea Ranch Connect telephone service is activated, all the phone number ports are completed (if applicable), and you are satisfied with the service.